If you havent seen it, i more than recommend it. its great.

the point is this.
i had a dream last night. about giant eagle. you see, me and a few roommates were at giant eagle, doin some shopping. when i went to the register to check out my food, i used a debit card which alerted the cashier that my bank account was in fact over $600 overdrawn. i said this was impossible, i had just checked my account. but apparently it was the case, but as i tried to use the automated telephone banking PNC so graciously offers, my fingers wouldnt really dial what i wanted. giving up, i went out into the area some giant eagles have between the outside sliding doors and the sliding doors to get into the store. like a lobby. but with pop machines instead of couches.
anyway. i packed up my stuff in the lobby (i guess we had planned on sleeping there?) and took it to the car. a jeep. a jeep wrangler. yes, 3 of us, fit in the jeep, with all our gear and groceries. realizing i forgot my bass, along with two other guitars and amps, i went back to collect them, only to discover that an entire group of kids had taken our sleeping quarters for their sleepover. at giant eagle.
i retrieved my equipment and went back out to the car where my roommate was driving wildly all over the parking lot. he stopped to pick me up but before i could get in, he sped off up the hill and around the store, to be chased by 4 or 5 maniacal teens on bicycles and dirtbikes. he stopped and spun around and fled back down the hill and i realized the jeep was an ATV. he flew up the steep hill that had once been the giant eagle entrance and dust and debris surrounded us as he pumped the throttle to get the machine up such an incline. the teens couldnt keep up and he soon stopped dead in front of me to pick me up in the jeep. i packed the music into the jeep (somehow) and was prepared to jump in when a spaceship? <-it looked like a cone shape, but more polygonal...appeared in the sky, only to be blown up. uh oh.
the teens cheered.
i dont remember another one landing, but i do remember a giant snail being in the parking lot. and i remember knowing where it came from. the teens stared at it for awhile and two more snails stepped out from behind the first. not stepped but whatever.
they looked at the teens. then in an instant, long probosces shot out from the snails and consumed the teens. i very quickly hopped in the jeep and off we went.
we went to our house, here in oakland, but apparently our house in oakland is a skyscraper. i dont remember going into the house or the trip to the house for that matter, but i do remember being in my room looking down the long column of windows that was our home. i also remember dozens of 12 foot tall giant pink snails sliming their way up those windows.
i was scared.
my roommate decided to chill in our room, i moved to the next room over, which didnt have outside windows. oddly enough, it DID have a glass window that saw into my room. so after checking the next room after that, which was the other side of the house, and seeing a long proboscis slither into the open window, i slammed the door, went back into the middle room and locked the door behind me.
then i went to the interior (glass) window where i saw another proboscis lean up against the window, break through, and consume my roommate. i slid down with my back to the wall to a seated position, feeling not so much fear, but just willing to wait it out. content. i probably got restless because then i woke up.
i want in your brain.
ReplyDeletein other news: hahah, oh my goodness, i didn't even think of that song. my brain just kinda woke up and said "hello. i love you. what's your name?" and i was like "hmm, good question. i should blog about it." and then it was a doors' song. ah well. me and jim morrison, we're tight. well, we were...before he...died...i think i get more morbid at six in the morning. who really knows?
ah! i wanna be wanna be wanna be jim morrison too. only less dead. well, i wouldn't mind being kinda dead right now seeing as i just got home from field hockey in the 9000 degree heat. meh. =/
ReplyDeleteand thom yorke is my hero. radiohead=love and i have in rainbows on vinyl which makes me happier than a fat kid with cake.
RADIOHEAD. *said in british accent* lulz and a half. your family is so adopting me again for the family retreat.
rah! you can TOTALLY listen to music in a british accent. even more so if the band you're listening to happens to be british. which it does. and annie say she'd rather be thom yorke than jim morrison. which is understandalbe when you take into consideration her affinity for living british men as opposed to dead doors' members.
ReplyDeletei think if i was anyone it'd be janis joplin. or, like, kurt cobain. they should've had a baby and it would've been me, i think. that've been some crazy weird parentage. both in the forever 27 club too.
ReplyDelete...like jim morrison. my life is coming full circle and eating itself. (gah, that wants to be the start of a new poem)
uapje is a good one. i think i knew a kid once actually named something close to that. hard to be sure though, cause he always mumbled his name so i never fully caught it. i got another silly one: hqjdzh. bleh.
ah, i know janis wasn't gorgeous or anything, but i really don't think she was as unfortunate looking as everyone makes her out to be. to prove my point i'm posting a picture of her i love. besides, i'm not all that pretty either. but let's not delve into my self-esteem-it is not the issue on hand. patti smith is fabulous though-lovelovelove her.
ReplyDeletethis is probably true-i once knew a zombie named allan, but because he was a zombie allan seemed like the strangest name in the world...when you find out that a kid is a zombie does their name go from being normal to strange? can you reverse an irreversible nature? eddie vedder probably could. but that's really none of my business.
i finally got a good one! "yaxkfxkt" i love it so much. doesn't remind me of any wonderful writers though. you?
oh feh-you just think whatever you want to think. janis is still my girl.. =P where do you think patsy cline fits in all this? cause i'm a little of her too.
ReplyDeleteyou should totally read the zombie hunters if you don't already. its this webcom about, well, zombie hunter, shocking as that mey sound. it amuses me. also my friend says that if i ever became a zombie they wouldn't know till i started decaying cause i already go around biting everyone and everything in sight. ah well.
i like eddie vedder when i'm the right mood. y'know, the mood for a grungey seattle frontman that i can hardly understand. and even then i usually turn to kurt before eddie. but he means well, i think.
lhwtppdn-just a bunch of silly consonants this time.