i could have sworn. i decided to write this blog and it was only 5. but here i am, close to 5:30, not tired, bored. bored. bored. bored. boreed. bored. boredl. bore.d
what do i do.
what does one do at 5:26 in the morning?
blog, apparently.
and watch The Exorcist II. its been a good night for horror. earlier, i watched the devils rejects. before that part of halloween. before that it was nightmare on elm street.
the other night we watched the serpent and the rainbow.
wes craven is amazing. and so are zombies. real life ones in Haiti. thats the real deal. spooky spooky.
not even lying.
i mean 5:28.
the structure of this very blog in my mind included no more than three lines.
i should have counted because i know i am well beyond that now.
my blog is long. not this entry, the whole thing in general, right?
i should really shorten the number of posts on the front page. fortunately for the glory of each post...unfortunately for the viewer...i am lazy.
even when theres nothing to do at 5:29am on a saturday morning, i still can't find the time to do something like that.
wow wow wubzy.
watched that the other night. there must have been something in the air. we were CRACKING.UP. it was ridiculous. shocking, really.
5:30. 5:33 according to that clock over there...5:31 now. still 5:33 over there.
time is irrelevant. i feel like...i feel like time is imaginary. made by men as a way to control other men.
time can only be measured by instruments created by man, programmed to measure what we want it to.
if i wanted, i could make a clock that took an accepted hour to measure one second.
but i suppose i could do that for anything. pounds, money, height, volume.
it's all subjective if you think about it.
these minutes are absolutely flying! i promise you 100% i am not stopping typing and im not erasing, save typos. how can i only get one or two sentences in a minute??
this is not promising for time. or is it not promising for me?
its an interesting predicament.
i hate this commercial. the new freecreditreport.com thing...with the weird rap-ish song where he has this crazy ridiculous tone in his voice. its so obnoxious.
idk whatev. i guess ill find somethin else to do.
still not tired.