Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Time Traveller: Unbelievably a Drabble, By Chance

I woke up one friday morning at 7:30am and hit snooze, fully expecting to wake 9 minutes later. I, instead, woke one hour and 45 minutes earlier. Doing the math in my head as I stared at a clock reading 5:45am, I quickly realized what I had done. I leapt from my bed, anxious to tell my friends that I had gained the ability to travel backwards through time. I imagined the press, the fame, the glory, the possibilities. I just needed to harness this new found power. Soon, however, I came to understand that it was now Saturday morning.


  1. LOL

    (re-usedup, meaning used up again?)

  2. i think this mystery u speak of, should most definately be solved...
    i liked all the pictures.

    these verification codes are getting quite long!

  3. hahahah. yay. i do this quite often. more often though, i attempt to take a nap in the evening and wake up around nine at night, panic, thinking it's nine in the morning and i've somehow slept through the first half of school and running into the living room, shouting at my poor unsuspecting family "HOW COULD YOU LET ME SLEEP IN SO LATE! I MISSED MY FIRST CLASSES! NOW I'LL HAVE TO MAKE UP THAT ASTRONO-" at which point i notice that it's dark out and that it's nine PM nad i stumble groggily back into bed without another word.

    you should know i miss you too. you should also know that i enjoy spending time reading your words and i can in fact recover while reading. otherwise recovering would be a boring task indeed.

    <33 dessest <--the detesting of a dessert.
