Thursday, April 9, 2009


am sick. No, I'm not sick. Something is not right. My eyes are drying out. I am not right. There's something else. A knot. I thought I was hungry so I ate, but it turns out I was full. And worse, I have no water. I'm uncomfortable. I want to run to run to run. I want to invite someone to do something. I want to
I need to go. Something is not right and I need to go. There are 40,000 police officers outside and I want to go tell each of them that I appreciate what they do. But that's not the problem. That's not what is not right. That's something else. The air. Or possibly something else. Is not right. to. I gotta. run. If in fact it were the case, forget about the case. Just forget it. There are 365 days in a year.