Friday, February 26, 2010

The forgetting of myself

Save the elderly couple
walking down Craig,
down the center,
mind you,

as the snow's made it
inaccessible otherwise,
(and as the sidewalks are
altogether. Inaccessible,
I mean.)

the streets are barren.

Save the elderly couple.


  1. I didn't know that about it being an el nino year. That certainly explains a lot. How often does el nino blow through?
    But I dunno man. This may be the beginning of the end.
    That may be true. I wasn't ok when Blaine and Nate picked me up. I was so afraid I was gonna pass out. It was scary. Can you get a concussion twice? Because I may have had one in the past... when we were playing vietnam on the back path behind legion keener and seth spiked my head into the ground. haha
