Sunday, August 31, 2008

little things turning big

i already have a feeling that this post will not be substantial.

what i mean by that is that i doubt someone who decides to read it will finish reading feeling fulfilled or satisfied with the content they have just read. in fact, i have a feeling that maybe, after reading this post, anyone who reads my blog in general will be discouraged enough to never read my blog again. IN FACT. they may even be discouraged with the general decline in intelligent information posted on the internet due to the rise in availability and ease with which information can actually be posted for potentially free access to billions of people across the globe, to the point where they may actually never again access the internet and even protest the commercialization and the aforementioned availability of the internet, pleading government to amend the 1st amendment to exclude internet posting and to regulate private sites and blogs. it may happen.

now. the post.

charlotte is sitting beside me on the couch. metalocalypse comes on soon.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, dont worry, the blog was plenty substanial. but maybe i'm bias...i'd read your blog religiously, even if it said absolutely nothing :P

    i hope you're treating charlotte well. i think i may make an effort to start liking her...
