like the seasons change.
people change.
chameleons change.
bands change their style.
technology changes.
some people change underwear.
don't get me wrong, i like that kind of change.
what im talking cold, hard...change.

it all started at the beginning of last school year. fall semester. i had a big bag of quarters for the laundry room. it should last all year, i thought. it was pretty big.
i put the bag in the middle drawer of my desk.
soon, i just put all my loose change in the drawer.
it was a money drawer.
that, and some other stuff...but mostly money.
i didnt use anything but quarters so whatev. i left it there.
at the end of the school year...i had to bring it back i threw it all in the quarter bag and brought it home, forgetting about it.
well here i am, in a financial bind. i wont get a paycheck till next week or so. but check it out. i have that CHANGE!
so i get all excited and i go to roll it. and here i am now...sitting next to more than $60 of rolled change. ITS LIKE CHRISTMAS.
now i just gotta wait until i find myself near a bank to cash it, cuz we all know i can't afford to make a special trip out there just to cash in my gas money.
thats baloney.
storyblog over.