Thursday, February 5, 2009

flies and their predecessors

as for me, I'll sit down and have a meal of artificial mashed potatoes. in the future. i can look forward to something like that. with any luck it will be a sleepless one (night) and I'll get things done. and I'll make that necessary phone call but at a normal time this time i always forget when people are supposed to be sleeping. so I'll make that phone call and then i will watch some television. and maybe even write.
i wonder how many servings my mashed potatoes will be. i don't think i have any salt. i may have butter though. definitely no gravy. certainly no milk. absolutely no steak. or meatloaf. that would be good. if i would stop being interrupted by these [insert word of choice] buzzing noises.
they all come drooling for these things like some dog for table scraps.
maybe i should learn something from them. they seem better off for it.

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