Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I got pictures on my mind

Twenty days later and empty.
Starting over.
I may find myself forgetting
casual consumerism.
To the greatest extent possible.
What's the point if I can find
another path, one of least(er)
Hello, the year is 1984 and I
live in Airstrip One.
Where have I gone?
Where have I been?

Where am I going?


  1. Kid A is a wonder :)
    my profile picture?
    or the picture on the post?

    i'm gonna try i promise, but things keep coming up :/

  2. On your comment on my Rant of the Day....It is that "slippery slope" thing. In the back of my mind, I felt that little pinprick of fear thinking of the Geheime Staatspolizei...Ge-Sta-Po. But again my thought turned to how to protect the CITIZENS of this country from ILLEGALS sneaking in. And not just people of Mexican descent, but Pakistani, Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Afghani, Chinese and OH MY...Canadians.....!!! Oh, okay, not the Canadians. Here the big problem is Chinese being smuggled across the border to be taken to work in sweat shops in New York. Who would have thought..Chinese. They sneak them into Canada and bring them across the river and then on to New York. Did you know that we now have cameras searching up and down the river? And I see so many Border Patrol officers. More than ever before.

    I still say they should electrify the border fence in the South. If you aren't supposed to climb the fence....STAY OFF THE FENCE!!!

    But yes, it is a slippery slope.
