Sunday, September 6, 2009

you've got it

How can you say its worth your time?
I'm sure you have far better things
to do, far better people to do it
with. I'll take care of it.


  1. :/

    sometimes people say things that they don't really mean. but in this case, i have a feeling that what they said they meant.. you don't say that something is worth your time (whatever it is), if it really isn't. its to easy to give away that sort of lie.

  2. Yeah, I make myself look like a four year old asking questions that don't seem to matter to anyone. But I think that there are things that you need to know about a person- little things- before you can fully know them. But the experience and intangibles are just as important I suppose. I just like knowing what people think.

    When people say they think things but can't back up their reasoning...ugh. It gets on my nerves so much. THere has to be a reason to back up your opinions.

  3. I mean...I agree. I think that the intangibles and experiences are the actual relationship that you have with a person. But I think tiny details are important and often overlooked. They don't bring you closer to a person directly. But in a really small way they can maybe show you a better picture of who they are as a person.
    And yes, I agree. That's a good way to put it.

    The word verification thing was andenesp said yo name. haha
