Thursday, April 9, 2009

Its funny...

American media has a love affair with Barack Obama. They applaud his brilliant public speaking, and its true...he does speak well...with a teleprompter. On St. Patrick's Day, Obama, thanks to a slip in the teleprompter, ended up thanking himself for throwing his own party. He thanked himself. What a brilliant man. Considering the fact that American media actually paid 0 attention to the blunder, I thought surely it was an isolated incident. Not so, my friends. A quick search on YouTube garnered dozens of videos of the excellent speaker in moments that either weren't scripted for him or when the teleprompter broke down. The result? Stumble, mumble, bumble. The man can't put together his own SENTENCE, let alone what could be interpreted as an answer to the questions asked.

If it were Bush, and it has been, the media would be all over him like sharks. But not Obama. He's here to save us. To bring us change. At least that's what his teleprompter says...


  1. My dear Andrew
    Perfect observation
    And very true

    peers actual word!!!

  2. i love you very deeply my sweet college boy! haha MUAH!
